Ukrainian Canadian Internment Photo Galleries

Author of photo: By P199 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Canada's last known survivor of the internment operations, Mary Manko Haskett (centre) with Dr L Luciuk (left) and UCCLA's chairman, John B Gregorovich (right), in Ottawa, March 1993

William Perchaluk is buried at the Burns Cemetery in Calgary, Alberta. Please see the link below for more information on his life.
For those languishing in the camps and forced to work under armed guard,
it was a trial that had
to be borne in quiet suffering.

Ukrainian pioneer settlers en route to Edna-Star, Alberta, from Quebec City, 1897 (National Archives of Canada)

Potential Ukrainian immigrants were promised 160 acres of free land.

Corporal Filip Konowal, a recipient of the Victoria Cross for his valour during the Battle of Hill 70, near Lens, France, August 1917, the honourary patron of Branch #360 of The Royal Canadian Legion

Britain considered the following as "Friendly aliens" Czechs, Croats, Italians (from Trieste and the Trentino), Poles, Roumanian, Ruthenes (the old name for Ukrainians), Serbs, Slovaks, and Slovenes.
Amherst Internment Camp, Nova Scotia

Banff National Park,Alberta, Castle mountain and cave & Basin Internment camps

"In the enclosure," Ukrainian internees at Castle Mountain, Banff National Park, Alberta (GWH Millican Collection, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta)

Cave & Basin Internment Camp, Banff National Park.

New Arrivals Going In, Castle Mountain, Banff, Alberta, Sgt. William Buck collection, Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Banff, Alberta

Arrival by train of 100 prisoners to the Castle Mountain Internment Camp. Transferred from Brandon, Manitoba. 1916. Provincial Archives of Alberta, A15288
Beauport Internment Camp, Quebec

Brandon Internment Camp, Manitoba

This photograph shows armed authorities marching the arrested men to Brandon. May 1915. Manitoba Museum, H9-38-681C.

Some of the Ukrainian men arrested in Emerson after their walk from Winnipeg. They were hoping to get to the United States to find work. The CN Bridge is visible in the background. Manitoba Museum H9-38-681.

Ukrainian Internees in Brandon Internment Camp.

Edgewood Internment camp, British Columbia

Fernie and Morrisey Internment Camps, British COlumbia

Halifax Internment camp "The Citadel", Nova Scotia

Jasper Internment Camp, Alberta

Kapuskasing Internment Camp, Ontario

Kingston Internment camp "Fort henry", Ontario

Lethbridge Internment camp, Alberta

Mara Lake Internment Camp, British COlumbia

Montreal Receiving Station, Quebec

Monashee Internment Camp,
British Columbia

Monashee Internment Camp
Munson Internment Camp, Alberta

The Munson Internment Camp, Alberta was closed and moved to Eaton, Saskatchewan because of an outbreak of the Spanish Flu.

Munson Internment Camp, Alberta, Internees building a railroad
Nanaimo Internment Camp, British Columbia

Niagara Falls Internment Camp, Ontario

Petawawa Internment Camp, Ontario

Revelstoke internment camp, british columbia

Sault Ste Marie Internment Camp, Ontario

Spirit Lake Internment Camp, Quebec

Toronto Receiving station "Stanley Barracks", Ontario

Internees at Stanley Barracks Receiving Station

Internees at Stanley Barracks Receiving Station, Toronto, Ontario

Internees at Stanley Barracks Receiving Station, Toronto, Ontario

Internees at Stanley Barracks Receiving Station, Toronto, Ontario
Valcartier Internment Camp, Quebec

Valcartier, Quebec, Camp Rail Line, 1914

Vernon Internment Camp, British Columbia

Vernon Internment Camp. ca. 1917. Greater Vernon Museum and Archives gvma 5016

Winnipeg Receiving station, Fort Osborne, Manitoba

Fort Osborne Barracks, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Anti-Enemy Alien Sentiment, Great War Veterans, Winnipeg, June 4,1919
Yoho National Park(Camp Otter), British Columbia

Camp Otter, Yoho National Park, British Columbia. The camp was vacated in June 1916 and never occupied again. National Archives of Canada C81373

Camp Otter, Yoho National Park

Camp Otter, Yoho National Park 1916

Road building.